Power and Energy, Part 2 – APM


Power and Energy, Part 2

Power and Energy, Part 2

Why does good wiring matter?

This summer camp theme explores POWER! See part one for kinetic energy and more.

Project: Description: Related concepts and machines:
Wind Power From TeacherGeek.  Build a turbine and measure the power generated. Measurement, waterwheel, lineshaft system
Paper Circuitry From Makerspaces.com.  This set of directions is very clear.  If you use LEDs with ‘long legs,’ you can do a quick win by testing your light and battery together. Once students understand the concepts they can design and experiment with multiple lights and making a switch. Lineshaft system, electric machines (Cone Automatic for example)
Conductive Piano From Makey Makey.  Now that we can build circuits, let’s use them to Do Stuff (like play a piano.) Conductivity, design, programming, sensors, Input & Output

We collected these free resources online, and combined they make about one day’s worth of activities (three projects, cleanup, lunch, and breaks).

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