Repeatability and Mass Production – APM


Repeatability and Mass Production

Repeatability and Mass Production

What are some techniques for mass production?

This summer camp theme explores REPEATABILITY! And if you’ve never heard the word, it’s one we use here at the museum quite a bit.  Being able to make a rifle by hand is really impressive, and being able to make ten thousand rifles by machine is also really impressive in very different ways. 

Project: Description: Related concepts and machines:
Block Printing

From United Art & Education Soft-Kut Block-Print.  To get a great product in the end, we have to do some planning.

Pyrometer Printing Blocks, Repeating a Pattern, Subtractive Manufacturing

Extrusion and Stamping

From APM.  3D Printers extrude filament.  We’ll press a soft material to flatten it, and stamp it out!

Parker Mechanical Press, Stamping Machine, 3D Printers.

Bonus: Take-it-Apart Repeatability

From:  Often, when we take things apart, we may struggle to put them back together again!

Crystal Palace Exhibition: taking it apart and putting back together, design & blueprint, note-taking


We collected these free resources online.  Combined they make about one day’s worth of activities (three projects, cleanup, lunch, and breaks).

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